Saturday 11 October 2014


-Good or Evil to young people?
Is very hard to answer, but I´ll start describing it. 
It´s a revolution in the way that computers and their users can get connected at thousand of kilometers between them. Moreover  this network of computers around the word makes you able to get information practically in real time. I can see this as one of the most powerfull tools in the 2000 that has been evolved at the point that makes their users hyperconnected with the network that internet provides.
It´s not easy to handle internet, there are a lot of risk, more of them hidden by experts to normal users and it could be dangerous, that´s why internet has good and bad features, depending the way that you use it.
What about young users? If they hasn´t a guide, they could be like a child alone in a big city. In fact they are vulnerable to interact, be transgressed or abused in their rights by sick people. 
For example, is very common this kind of situations in chat rooms, facebook and websites of dates.
At the beggining of the 2000s just the PC was "the" way to enter to internet, nowadays  new kinds of devices wich are able to enter to internet are released at lower prices, for example: Smart phones and tablets, therefore young people needs a guide who advices and warn them of the risk that are exposed.

In conclusion; internet has 2 faces, the good one and the evil one and is our obligation to teach our closest youngers how to surf into internet safety and what kind of websites should avoid them, being empathic in this message: "The most evil things are related to interactions that they could make with bad people in internet."



EsTeBaN said...

Hi, I like your opinion, I think very similar, it's important this guide for the young people that you wrote in the post.


Jorge Carroza said...


WC: 290. Good. better late tan never...anyway, very clear point, thanks, please, check the following obs.;

IT Is very hard to answer,
.… at thousandS of kilometers between them.
… that has (been) evolved at the …
… there are a lot of riskS, (more) MOST of them hidden
…depending ON the way that you use it.
… If they (hasn´t) DO NOT HAVE a guide,
…For example, IT is very …
…devices wHich are able to enter
… young people need(s) a guide who advices and warnS them (of) ABOUT the riskS that THEY are exposed TO.
… and IT is our obligation to teach our closest (youngers) YOUNG PEOPLE how to surf into internet safeLy and what kind of websites THEY should avoid …


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