Sunday 6 June 2010

A career-related website "Ecology and society"

The first thing that I have to say is that I don’t use to visit
 this kind of websites.But, I found this one very interesting
 to let you know.

The website that I’m providing you is about disciplines from
 the natural sciences, social sciences, and the humanities
 concerned with the relationship
 between society and the life-supporting ecosystems 
on which human wellbeing ultimately depends.
Why did I like this website?
I did like this particular website because I found 
interesting the relation it makes between human
 factor and ecology.
I also liked this website because it is a worldwide
 site built in a collaborative way throughout the world.
 Besides, scientific communities can share useful information
 which is selected and published by the people in charge
 of the site.
Or as they defined their work 
“Ecology and Society is an electronic, peer-reviewed,
 multi-disciplinary journal devoted to the rapid dissemination
 of current research”.
Click here

Enjoy it !!
Alexis Cerpa.


Sebastian said...

It is an excellent web, very interesting. Thank you, I liked this page

Natti said...

It`s a page very apropiated 'cause is interesting for us and is in english!!
I like this article: Many Eyes on Nature: Diverse Perspectives in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve and Their Relevance for Conservation

Thanks for the page

see you tomorrow !

Emiliou said...

Aleeeeex, for the next one, choose webs in spanish!! xDD

I see you tomorrow, bye ^^

Miss said...

A career-related website "Ecology and society"

The first thing that I have to say is that I don’t use to visit
this kind of websites.But, I found this one very interesting
to let you know.


The website that I’m providing you is about disciplines from
the natural sciences, social sciences, and the humanities
concerned with the relationship
between society and the life-supporting ecosystems
on which human wellbeing ultimately depends.

Why did I like this website?

I did like this particular website because I found
interesting the relation it makes between human
factor and ecology.

I also liked this website because it is a worldwide
site built in a collaborative way throughout the world.
Besides, scientific communities can share useful information
which is selected and published by the people in charge
of the site.

Or as they defined their work
“Ecology and Society is an electronic, peer-reviewed,
multi-disciplinary journal devoted to the rapid dissemination
of current research”.

Click here

Enjoy it !!
Alexis Cerpa.

well done! I think it is very interesting and I can check some things from y area as well... I'll check it out!

seba.hernandez said...

excelentent web man :P
hey we are in the same about not check pages like this XDDD
take care : )

Alexis Cerpa said...


evelyn said...

excelent web!!
thank you for the information
is very interesting =)

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