Saturday 11 October 2014


-Good or Evil to young people?
Is very hard to answer, but I´ll start describing it. 
It´s a revolution in the way that computers and their users can get connected at thousand of kilometers between them. Moreover  this network of computers around the word makes you able to get information practically in real time. I can see this as one of the most powerfull tools in the 2000 that has been evolved at the point that makes their users hyperconnected with the network that internet provides.
It´s not easy to handle internet, there are a lot of risk, more of them hidden by experts to normal users and it could be dangerous, that´s why internet has good and bad features, depending the way that you use it.
What about young users? If they hasn´t a guide, they could be like a child alone in a big city. In fact they are vulnerable to interact, be transgressed or abused in their rights by sick people. 
For example, is very common this kind of situations in chat rooms, facebook and websites of dates.
At the beggining of the 2000s just the PC was "the" way to enter to internet, nowadays  new kinds of devices wich are able to enter to internet are released at lower prices, for example: Smart phones and tablets, therefore young people needs a guide who advices and warn them of the risk that are exposed.

In conclusion; internet has 2 faces, the good one and the evil one and is our obligation to teach our closest youngers how to surf into internet safety and what kind of websites should avoid them, being empathic in this message: "The most evil things are related to interactions that they could make with bad people in internet."


Thursday 28 August 2014

The best holiday I´ve ever had (English 4)

Hello :) was a lot of time without any post, but now it´s time to remove all the dust in this site. How better that tell you about "my best holiday I´ve ever had".

San Pedro de Atacama is a very interesting and peculiar place in northern Chile in wich you could find some flora, fauna and a lot of tourist all over the year, have you ever hear about them? I heard a lot of histories and about the unique beauty of them and we decided to go there to know our country. Of course it could be a romantic place to go and its not an ecception I went with my girlfriend two years ago at summer time. We were very happy because this was our first holiday arranged by our own :), you know we are still younger hehe.

Now I will tell you about the way that we get there.
Started at Santiago and flown to Calama and after could get by transfer car to San Pedro in approximely 6 -7 hours in total to arrive the hostel that found at lol.

The first that I´ve noticed was the reddish and brown tones of the landscape that are very very distinctive of any other places that I´ve visited before.
Once we arrived, the first that we made was look for a place to lunch and ate in a local restaurant.

The most important activity that I made was a visit to a provate meteorites museum who reveals and affirms that the origin of the solar system could  be studied by "chondritic meteorites". Interesting, isn´t it?

Wow... I could tell a lot of things but basically the landscape and beauty of salt lakes, valleys, glaciars, dunes and people will captivate any person.

Hope that you want to go there and enjoy San Pedro.


Tuesday 6 July 2010

The pre-intermediate has ended.

Last Monday We´d the last term exam and I feel good (8).

I want you to know that it was the most pleasant "english" I´d learned ever.

Alexis Cerpa.

Sunday 27 June 2010

My ideal job

Today I´m going to tell you about my ideal job.

I would like to work in a clinic, public health or researching in some lab. It is essential for me to be a member of a highly qualified team. Besides, it is also important for me to continue to have my tween brother as a partner.

These jobs would make me happy because I could help society specially people who I love. But the main reason is that I like to improve my knowledge and share with people, help animals and enjoy nature. That is life.

If it happens that I have to work in a clinic, I know I would have the chance to improve my knowledge of pets as well as clients.

On the other hand, working in public health I think I would improve management skills and work in team. To be clear, I know that working in a clinic It will also demand some competence to do team work, but I have the feeling that in the public sector it will be more demanding. In fact, following the daily news, I have the impression that team work is a real challenge in that area.

Finally, working as lab researcher I would find a way to understand and resolve diseases. I like to study topics in a more detailed way; I suppose I will have to be patient because to be an investigator means to understand that results could take a log term view.

In any of the areas I have just mentioned, I will have to have an integral formation. I need to be a good professional, but at the same time a collaborative person. In fact, things change so fast that it would be almost impossible for a person to get to know every aspects of modern life. For that, I think it is important to develop a positive attitude toward others professionals in order to collaborate and learn together.

In conclusion I haven´t problem to work under pressure. I’ am willing to do work in different times, but if we want to talk about my ideal work, I would like to have enough time to enjoy life, to enjoy my family. Even if I’am a flexibe person to accomplish different working challenges, I prefer to have a very clear schedule so that I could be a very efficient professional but happy, too.

Alexis Cerpa.

Sunday 13 June 2010

My favourite subjet

I Think Chemistry

By Alexis Cerpa

I could tell you that my favorite subject at the university is chemistry, but I like English subject as well.

Chemistry is a discipline that studies different components in interaction with human being.

Chemistry classes at the University of Chile in the faculty of veterinarian medicine are organized in two ways: lectures and laboratories. Lectures consist of classes given by a professor: This professor, which is an expert in the matter, provides to us specialized contents supported by a solid theoretical base. On the other hand, laboratories classes intend to prove those contents explained in the classroom.

Until now, Chemistry has shown to me some matters related to composition and basic interactions at a molecular level. It is very useful to understand biological processes from a detailed point of view, however, it will become more important according veterinarian studies goes on. It is amazing to see, everyday, how Chemistry impact on our everyday life.
It’s called biochemistry.

As I previously pointed out, I also like English. The reason why I like English is because this language provides me a way to know investigations around the world. Also, knowing the English language I could have the opportunity to communicate with other people worldwide. In summary, English may give to me the chance to open another window to know values and points of view other veterinarian students may have about this discipline.

In conclusion, I like English and Chemistry because these subjects provide me a more comprehensive understanding of the world.

Sunday 6 June 2010

A career-related website "Ecology and society"

The first thing that I have to say is that I don’t use to visit
 this kind of websites.But, I found this one very interesting
 to let you know.

The website that I’m providing you is about disciplines from
 the natural sciences, social sciences, and the humanities
 concerned with the relationship
 between society and the life-supporting ecosystems 
on which human wellbeing ultimately depends.
Why did I like this website?
I did like this particular website because I found 
interesting the relation it makes between human
 factor and ecology.
I also liked this website because it is a worldwide
 site built in a collaborative way throughout the world.
 Besides, scientific communities can share useful information
 which is selected and published by the people in charge
 of the site.
Or as they defined their work 
“Ecology and Society is an electronic, peer-reviewed,
 multi-disciplinary journal devoted to the rapid dissemination
 of current research”.
Click here

Enjoy it !!
Alexis Cerpa.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

Hatter`s video